Q : Is there any way to increase my car’s radio range? I lose control after about 100 feet.
A: There’s no practical way to increase the range of a radio system beyond what it was designed to provide, but there are certainly things you can do to make sure you are getting all the range the system can offer. First things first: make sure you have fresh batteries in the transmitter— reduced voltage equals reduced range. Also consider how you hold the transmitter, which should be pointed toward the model (that seems like a no-brainer, but we’ve seen some wacky driving stances in our day). As for the car itself, be sure the receiver’s antenna wire is pointed straight up, and definitely don’t cut it. If you cut the antenna wire (or it breaks in a crash), you may dramatically decrease radio range. Finally, keep in mind that not all radio systems are the same, and some have lower power (and thus, less range) than others. Some “mini” cars (1/14 scale and smaller) include low-power systems because the models are hard to see at long distances, and are expected to stay relatively close to the driver.
Make sure the antenna is straight and undamaged. A broken antenna wire will dramatically reduce range.
Low battery voltage is a range killer, so make sure your AAs are fresh.
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