Is This The Ultimate First Heli?
Axial Featured News Matthew Higgins

Is This The Ultimate First Heli?

21 October, 2011

Even if you’re a die-hard car guy, you will probably agree with me when I say that RC helis are cool. Helis are, after all, a whole closer to the RC cars we know than they are to RC plans. How so? Well, take a look at a heli with its canopy off. It’s made with aluminum, graphite, high-tech parts and components–not glue, wood and foam. Plus, helis are high performance. Many RC planes are too, but helis just have more of a high flying attitude if you can pardon the pun.

Anyway, to get back to the point, helis may be cool, but they simply aren’t easy to get started in. That is unless you are in the know about coaxial helis that make flying super easy. An experienced car guy will be a real deal heli pilot in about five minutes with a coaxial heli. Coaxials are great, but they just got even better thanks to the release of a $50 model from Horizon Hobby’s Blade line. Bottom Line, the Blade Scout CX is super affordable super easy to fly. Check out the video.

The post Is This The Ultimate First Heli? appeared first on RC Car Action.

Matthew Higgins

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup