2015 IFMAR EP Off-Road Worlds: A Look At the 4WD Buggy Track Layout [VIDEO]
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2015 IFMAR EP Off-Road Worlds: A Look At the 4WD Buggy Track Layout [VIDEO]

08 October, 2015

With 2WD buggy in the history books, attention has switched to the 4WD Buggy class at the 2015 IFMAR EP Off-Road Worlds. One of the important things at the event is the new layout that was changed for the fast 4WD buggies (some areas remain the same). Keeping in line with all IFMAR EP Off-Road World Championships, the layout is altered when the event switches from 2WD to 4WD buggies to provide unique features better suited for the vehicles while still maintaining flow and challenges suited to a World Championship event. With practice concluding and qualifying about to start, drivers feedback about the new layout is positive. HB/HPI Racing’s Ty Tessmann, who was noticeably off the pace in 2WD buggy, is feeling more confident for 4WD buggy and commented about the track, “more fun than 2WD” and features including the whoops are “not nearly as difficult.” Photos provided by RedRC.net. Video provided by LiveRC.com

2015 IFMAR EP Worlds 4WD Buggy layout view

2015 IFMAR EP Worlds 4WD Buggy layout view

The schematic provided by IFMAR for the 4WD Buggy Class.

The schematic provided by IFMAR for the 4WD Buggy Class.


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Carl Hyndman

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup