Waitress – another drink please

Waitress – another drink please

27 February, 2009

Sitting at Outback – I’m surrounded by boys – my familiar term for men- the Supercup is tomorrow and it’s right near the house so that’s great- and therefore we have house-guests. As does Paul, I’m not sure where Bobby is staying, Bobby if your reading – I missed you at dinner

So Andrew, Jon, aka Big12 to some of you, Sherwin, Paul aka PDub, and Jason, J-Ro and I enjoyed a friendly meal of meat at Outback with our waitress Barb who was more than pleased to bring us our drinks.

We certailnly weren’t the loudest table in the place- we had little Samantha’s birthday party next to us – she was a riot – she just turned 2¹and I think she’s been drinking since midnight… As in last night… I was sleeping she was throwing ’em back.

Apparentlybit was a family obligation dinner -hence Outback -and she didn’t care that they missed happy hr since her grand-daddy was buying dinner. It was hilarious. She tried to order the little umbrellas in her drink- but it’s Outback, no umbrellas..

Posted by ShoZu


Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup