Steven Hartson Dominates Round 1 of the 2010 JBRL Series.
At the Track

Steven Hartson Dominates Round 1 of the 2010 JBRL Series.

30 March, 2010

EVENT: 2010 JBRL Electric Series, Round 1
DATE: March 27-28, 2010
LOCATION: West Coast R/C Raceway

This past weekend JConcepts Driver, Steven Hartson raced the opener for the Jimmy Babcock Racing League series at West Coast R/C and was entered in 2WD mod buggy and 1/8th Electric Buggy. This was a 2 day event and had 30 heats. Saturday was 2 rounds of qualifying and Sunday was 1 round of qualifying and the mains. All classes ran 6 minute mains except for the 10 minute long 1/8th buggy main.

Steven was TQ in 2WD Mod and was 2nd qualifier in 1/8th buggy. Steven ran Gold Bar Codes during qualifying in both classes. During the mains the track was dry and loose and Steven went with Blue Bar Codes in both classes for the mains.

The 2wd main went off and Steven lead start to finish with Brent Theilke in tow, Brent gave Steven a good battle but in the end Steven came out on top.

The 1/8th buggy main had Chris Jarosz TQ, Steven Hartson 2nd, Jeremy Kortz 3rd, Frank Root 4th and Barry Baker in the 5th position.

The field had a good start and Chris lead the field for about the first 1:30 and made a mistake thru the whoop section and Steven got by and never looked back and was not challenged the rest of the main.

Final results for Steven Hartson

2wd Mod Buggy: TQ & 1st Place

1/8th Buggy : 1st Place

Rich M

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup