JConcepts Wave – New JConcepts SC Tires Dominate
Double Dees Jason Ruona JC Travel Team Coverage JConcepts Events Coverage JConcepts Wave OCRC Short Course Subcultures Tanner Denney

JConcepts Wave – New JConcepts SC Tires Dominate

17 May, 2010

The second annual JConcepts Wave was another big success hosted by OC/RC Raceway in Huntington Beach, CA.

The new JConcepts Short Course Double Dees and Subcultures dominate the Pro 2 SC Class this past weekend. Jason Ruona TQ’s and wins the event with his SC10 outfitted with the JConcepts Truth body, Double Dees up front and Subcultures on the rear. JConcepts Team Driver Tanner Denney takes second with his SC10 running the new Manta Body and Double Dees front and rear.

Stay tuned for a full report, more photos and videos coming soon.

Rich M

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup