Brett Kingsbury TQ's and Wins with JConcepts.
At the Track

Brett Kingsbury TQ's and Wins with JConcepts.

30 March, 2010

Event: Nitro 1/8 Scale Money Race
Date: March 27, 2010
Location: RC International Speedway
Race Reporter: Brett Kingsbury

This past Saturday I attended the RC International Speedway at Green Cove Springs. They were hosting
a buggy/truggy money race and I ended up with the TQ and win for both classes. I TQ’d all three
rounds in truggy and the first 2 rounds in buggy. I was running all the JConcepts equipment on both cars.
My tire selection on truggy were the Yellow Crosshairs all day. In buggy I started running Yellow Crowbars
and as the day went on the track got a little rutted up so for the main I switched to Blue Crossbowsand they
performed flawless for the entire 20 minute main. The Crosshairs on truggy came off the track showing very
little wear as well.

Rich M

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup