A Wicked Weekend with JConcepts!
At the Track JConcepts Events Coverage

A Wicked Weekend with JConcepts!

16 August, 2017

It’s time for another Wicked Weekend as RaceTime Entertainment brings us the 3rd installment of their unique and awesome RC race events. Dave Leikam and his crew never fail to bring out the best for all the 1/8th Scale lovers and his events have become THE races to attend.

Onboard as a premiere sponsor of the race, JConcepts is excited to once again partner with Racetime Entertainment to help bring these wicked races to the masses with support and media coverage. With JR Mitch on hand for knowledge and support, don’t be afraid come and ask JR for 1/8th scale questions and help. Tire choices, setup help, engine questions, he’s got you covered! Come visit us at the JConcepts tent!



Thomas Tran

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup