4wd round 4 recap… It just keeps getting better!
2015 4wd allison ruona arena At the Track Championship highlights IFMAR Jason Ruona JC Travel Team Coverage JConcepts JConcepts Events Coverage qualifying rd 4 recap round 4 World yatabe

4wd round 4 recap… It just keeps getting better!

09 October, 2015

With this being the last round of qualifying for the day, the 2 fastest drivers on this astro turf surface go at it again. Will it be Coelho or Matsukura? Also, amazingly enough there were 6 drivers with 17 lap 5:04 times making it a tight squeeze into the a-main. Find out how round 4 shakes down with Allison and Jason in the JConcepts recap!

Thomas Tran

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup