2015 Wicked Weekend
JC Travel Team Coverage Race Results Wicked Weekend

2015 Wicked Weekend

27 August, 2015

Cole Ogden and Martin Harrison win big at the 2015 Wicked Weekend with JConcepts.

Dave Leikam puts on the Wicked Weekend race once a year at the Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center in Gainesville, Ga. Dave Duncan and Walter Cruz made the trip up from Florida to represent JConcepts and to assist the team attending the race. Cole Ogden, Shay Brand, Blake Boggs and many other team drivers were in attendance.


On Friday the track opened at 8am for a full day of practice which lasted until 11pm. The track had a great layout with many different items to drive on. The track was set up with all wooden jumps to keep them from being destroyed throughout the weekend. Many different drivers liked certain type of tires and compounds. Some on JConcepts Reflex and Triple D’s for 1/8 buggy. The guys running Pro 4 SCT went with the Lil Chasers or 3Ds. Most running mega soft Black compound or super soft Green compound.

Saturday started with a drivers meeting at 6:45am and the start of round 1 qualifying at 7am. Qualifying was based on qual points best 2 out of 3 rounds. Cole was able to TQ pro nitro buggy for Sunday’s main.

Sunday started at 7am with all lower mains first. All A mains where set with 15 cars and 2 bumps. Triple A mains for all electric classes and 30 minute mains for all nitro classes. Cole starts the 30 minute pro nitro buggy on the pole and never looked back taking the win with his JConcepts equipped TLR 3.0 with Detox tires in Blue compound and Dirt-Tech inserts. Martin Harrison started 2nd in the triple A mains in Pro 4 SCT. With winning A2 and finishing 2nd in A3 he took the overall win with his JConcepts equipped TLR SCTE 2.0 with green 3Ds front and rear and Dirt-Tech inserts.


Thanks to Dave Liekam and the crew at Club R/C for all the hard work and a well run program. See you all at the next one.

Rich M

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup